What Is Vpn?
By: Venidikt • Essay • 396 Words • February 3, 2010 • 1,228 Views
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What is VPN?
Vpn is short for virtual private network that is constructed by using public wires to connect nodes. It is a technology that establishes a private or secure network connection within a public network. It’s a way to use a public telecommunication infrastructure, such as the internet. It can provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their organization network. It can be contrasted with an expensive system of owned or leased lines that can only be used by one organization. It enables the flow of traffic to travel securely over a public TCP/IP network. The goal of a vpn is to provide the organization with the same capabilities, but at a much lower cost.
The world has changed a lot in the last couple of decades. Instead of simply dealing with local or regional concerns, many businesses do not have to think about global markets and logistics. Many companies have facilities spread out across the country or around the world, and there is one thing that all of them need: a way to maintain fast, secure reliable communications wherever their offices are. It accommodates the needs of remote employees and distant offices. This is a virtual private network. It provides highly secure, temporary, point-to-point through the public internet.
What makes up a VPN?
Vpn works by using the shared public infrastructure while maintaining privacy through security procedures and tunneling protocols. It uses the bandwidth of public networks, typically the internet or a service provider backbone network. The key of VPNs is tunneling; the practice of