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Concept of Justice

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Philosophy couldn’t explain it, physics can’t touch it, morals can’t define it and religion just can’t put its finger on it. Justice might be one of the most expressions used but all of us agree its one of the most difficult one to explain. So before I start giving my regards about what I understand justice is I’d like to remind it’s only my opinion and solely mine, so no offence is intended.

If you look for the word “justice” in the Webster’s New World Dictionary you’ll find it’s the quality of being righteous; rectitude, being impartial and fair. A sane mind after hearing these words will surely wonder: what is righteous? Define righteous. If we could, we wouldn’t be here, anyways, these words are a set of a higher order, an order which us as humans must do all their best to achieve but can’t.

I won’t try to overstretch it so I’m going to get straight to the point. In other words, in my humble opinion justice is a myth, yes a myth, justice is an old wives tale. Something humans invented to “justify” their interests. Let me tell you how I came up with this.

First of all, let’s ask why would we need laws? You’d answer to organize and to clarify relationships amongst others. Laws need to be just. Did the first man actually think about that? Did he sit down with his clan and said ok we’ve had our fun it’s time to get just? I think he didn’t, I think as a human he only thought of himself, he craved for power and in order to gain that power he desires he must overcome his clan members and clubbing their heads was getting too old too fast, so they created law claimed to be just and used words that appealed to the simple early man and thus justice came into existence.

Secondly, you have to be a little analytical to get it. Let’s take this justice and apply it to the real world. It must’ve been around for a few thousands of years and it went through all of the changes and look where it got us to. I need not to say that we are honestly in mess. Like Ronald Reagan once said in a campaign: are we better off now than we were few years ago? No, a plain no, justice has spoiled people, it blinded them everyone says I’m fighting for justice, I’m fighting for liberty, its quite depressing really to know that the last count taken, there were over 150 conflicts in the world and I can guarantee it’s either to “free” the people or bring “justice” to them. You might say it’s a right cause but it’s being applied wrongly, just like Islam is being used by some sick minded to get what they crave for. But there is a difference, Islam is written down, explained and cleared so whenever someone comes

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