By: Janna • Essay • 1,442 Words • February 18, 2010 • 833 Views
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Corruption, illegal possession of fire arms, homicide, rape…. (pardon me if im not that good with political terms.. = ] ) anyway these are most of the problems we encounter.. But what others don’t know is that there is a silent crime, a cut that leaves a mark in our personality that we need not to ignore. Ever heard of the word trend? Fashion? Being “IN”?
These are the crimes im talking about, mindless crime that doesn’t have a cause, but has a big effect in a daily living of an individual.. I actually “inherited” this principles from my long lost best friend.. (JANE MARTINEZ).. She is right about so many things,. Well yeah she never committed or never mentioned that being fashionable is a crime, ( I just figured it out? Bad enough? ) I might say, this letter is a full version of what she had written 10 years ago… I don’t have a copy of the documents but every words she told us stroke on every shreds of my body, reached my bones and circulated with my blood 10 years ago… 10 good years, with 1 dreadful moment. Which I called the moment of truth.. (Copied!)
It was a great windy day in our province; we were so busy as our teacher approach us, told us that we have to have a speech… I had my speech ready before the opening night of our English club.. I was so excited and I was expecting to win the speech contest. I love joining such activities. I even joined declamation contest back when I was in grade 4... My competitors are high school students and some are from the 6th grade. But I won.. (ha-ha damn I’m so good!). On the night of our opening, I’ve decided to wear something that would catch the audience attention. Im wearing a gown.. a very luxurious sexy gown. I had all my nails polished. My hair was done by Ricky Reyes “her”self. I was so pretty that the guy I like escorted me as I reach the hallway. My mom is also not a bad catch. She is beautiful. We never went out without make up or not in our best attire. Were the queen bee in our village. Going back, the speech I prepared is about LOVE.. i always have this ridiculous obsession with love. (Quoted from my fave movie.. Moulin rouge., ) I registered my name and the title of the speech that I will discuss,. quite surprised for I saw my best friend signing up.. I was so mad. I knew she would betray me. She was our valedictorian and I was just the salutatorian. I fear the thought that she will defeat me. I confronted her and she said “ kai, its not that bad.. I just want to try.” I slapped her. She was shocked. I told her that I don’t want to be her best friend anymore. Then I turned. I heard the emcee called her name. she walked through the stage. She began her speech..
“Trend…I am so tired of hearing people saying they are the man, the “IT”. Yes I know it’s good to be in. but its so disappointing to see them roam around with their bench and mossimo shirts. Imagine black colored man wearing a bright yellow GIORDANO shirt and says “FUCK im so handsome”. And that guy will start teasing other prOmdi of his own kind for they wear rug-like shirts. But try looking at the label… and you’ll see this …Jiordano. Girls wear jewels form Cartier, but are they sure that they’ll have those forever?. It reminds me of my great old aunt who loves jewelries. Until it came to the point that she cursed those for they gave her all her rushes.. she bought a fake one.. Hard to admit but it’s not luxury… it’s Stupidity. Some would die for a rusty Lopez’s shoes but if you look inside, her foot is killing her,., why? Cause it doesn’t fit her. ( that’s the time I looked at my foot.. im wearing a very high heeled rusty Lopez’s sandals, and shit my feet aches!!!) individuals are never contented with what they have, we always want to have more.. Which lead us to envy those who are higher before us. Some people are so lucky to be born with a silver spoon, but ask them the past tense of think.. hmm thinked?.. but the most hypocrite act or pagan act that we can commit is waste a money that was never yours just to prove you are “IN”… (WHAAPPPAK!!. Strike 3! My dress and the cost my hairstyle was from my mom. She gave the money to me. But the thing is. She just borrowed it from a relative who is known for having a very big mouth!.) So what’s the point of being the man, if it will make you evil? What’s the cause, If someone knows, then tell