By: Wendy • Essay • 666 Words • February 9, 2010 • 720 Views
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While most people view entertainment as harmless, leisurely fun, Gabler was able to see that the enjoyment people felt from it was merely a disguise that masked the ruin and corruption that has become of it. Entertainment has the capacity to warp one’s views of reality, making him or her believe in a world that doesn’t exist, thereby slowing the progress of mankind.
Different forms of entertainment have caused a great deal of irreparable damage to today’s society. Many people who have been captivated by whatever it is they watched are somehow influenced to imitate its characters. When children see wrestlers on TV, they want to wrestle and break things. The same goes to adults who see violence on TV. After the release of movies such as Fast and Furious, there was an increase in illegal drifting for both teens and adults. Drinking, drugs and partying became increasingly popular the more of it had been done by characters in TV shows and movies, whereas, dirty dancing and getting drunk was considered crude and immoral before it appeared on popular TV shows and movies. Music videos, particularly rap videos, have been glorifying sex, drugs, and stupidity, dumbing down hundreds of thousands of people who may have had the potential to cure cancer. Girls are dressing in skimpier outfits and getting pregnant left and right. People are getting high while driving a car. Both music videos and television popularized Ebonics and ditching school, causing thousands of kids who are enrolled to a school, illiterate. These sorts of entertainment set off an entire chain of effects that led to the deterioration of morality, and the corruption of society.
Entertainment not only diminishes the morality of society, it also makes people feel insecure. Many TV programs, such as Laguna Beach, began to define what was beautiful and acceptable to society from their flawless characters and unrealistic scenarios. Girls misled by entertainment to believe that only thin women were beautiful became bulimic and anorexic. People who didn’t fit the trend set by entertainment became outcasts, and are bullied for being different. Many of these outcasts resorted in suicide or gun shootings, etc. Stand-up comedy has a lot of racist jokes and stereotypes that are great entertainment to some, and big insults to others. Those many offensive jokes have “dissolved the ties to our social morality.” Entertainment has the power to brainwash people into believing in false ideals, making them