By: Janna • Essay • 566 Words • February 15, 2010 • 859 Views
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To all my great friends:
The new year has come..Let us conquer this year..and not let the year conquer us...this is a year for human beings, if we change the inner attitudes of our minds,we can change the outer aspects of our lives.
Let us be free to LIVE LIFE!....And not fear what other people think or how people perceive us...let us make right what we may have gotten wrong in previous years....and just focus on the bright and prosperous future we have ahead for life is to short to dwell in the past. Let us gain knowledge and obtain the truth about lifes hidden wisdom. Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.
And most IMPORTANTLY we should also look to GOD for the strength and guidance along this long journey through 2008....
Embrace family for they are the only people who will truly be there...
LOVE yourself.....and cling to the values that have guided you thus far...
stay YOU...and rise above the conflicts that sometimes try to bring you down...and never fear what GOD has placed in your life....for fear is only self doubt brought to life....
Remember each day is a new beginning...and for each day we witness the beginnings become greater and greater....Life is short but the information we learn from it can last us a million lifetimes...
MuCH LoVe and HApPineSs I WiSh in YoUR LIfe
-LatRice :)
Good Luck with your campaign.
Im pretty sure it will be a
Just remember to stay true to yourself
and know yourself never look for
yourself in other people....And
be confident in yourself....when your
confident in what you can do then
others will put there confidence in you.
Above all be humble and modest...the superior
man in modest in his speech but exceeds
greatly in his actions. Remember that the
strongest might weaken and the weakest
may favorite arabic proverb is