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Ignorant Discrimination: Towards Gay Rights

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Ignorant Discrimination: towards gay rights

Have we lost the right to display our love? Did we make laws of who and how to love? Since when did religion become the commandments that we live by? If we as a society can take a big step away from discrimination, why is it so hard to step away from this stereotypical thought of love as a man and women? Although the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community is fighting for its rights, managing to only make slow progress legally. Although the progress to become accepted socially is going even slower, as the years pass it is evident that gay, lesbian and transgender individuals continued to struggle to be accepted.

America has always had an issue with homelessness. However, did you know that as of 2014, the number of homeless people increased to 1,750,000. Included in this number are the homeless youth. Let’s take a look at the statistics, “ 40% of homeless youth identity as LGBT. 68% of those kids were kicked out of their families and homes because of their sexual orientation and or gender identity, and 54% reported being survivors of abuse from their families (community post)”. LGBT, community continues to suffer because of people’s differences and small-minded thinking. How many people argue that you can “ choose” to be lesbian or gay and many others argue that this attraction to the same sex is who they are from the beginning of society continues to feel they are cupid and they got to choose who is to love whom. They turn a blind eye to the real problems in the world instead of trying to solve it. This fear of not being accepted is allowing LGBT youth hide who they really are which leads too many emotional and mental issues from them in the future. This fear leads to many outcomes such as depression, suicidal thoughts, homelessness, getting judge in school, also murder. As a society, we can work together and open our homes, minds and hearts to these youth who are just simply searching to find themselves and searching for acceptance along the way.

“ in 2013 ( the most recent year for which data are available),41,149 suicides were reported, making suicide the 10th, leading cause of death for Americans ( facts and figures).” According to, “ about 30 percent of all completed suicides have been related to sexual identity crisis”. Can you do the math? That is about 12,345 people committing suicide because of not being socially accepted as a gay, lesbian, and bisexual. Every day the words “gay” and “faggot” get tossed around as if it’s just another “hello”. Do you know how many of the murders that occur in America are due to anti-LGBT? “There were 2,000 incidents of anti-LGBT hate crimes victims were to people of color and 45% percent were transgender women. Reading this on the internet and noticing that this issue isn’t being properly handle and unclear to the rest of America. If the people of America, was to see the amount of hate and wrong doing that goes on around them then they will start to think twice when they say “gay” or “ faggot” and even their actions towards them. If the society will open their eyes and see that their words and actions are causing deaths, many lives would be saved especially the teenagers. Our society is so caught up with and what supposed to be right and wrong that they don’t realize that they are making other lives miserable.

Some people treat gay and lesbian couples as if they are aliens. As if they don’t deserve to live the “American dream” just like the straight couples can. America is making great progress towards the acceptance of gay marriages. As of march 9, 2015 more than half of the states and the district of Colombia allow same sex marriage. But do these states actually give them the rights to claim their spouse or children on their taxes? Has America give homosexual couples the same federal rights as heterosexual couples? There are over a thousand federal rights that heterosexual couples are qualifying for but homosexual couples do not. According to the

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