Individual Rights Versus Public Order
By: Jack • Research Paper • 10,901 Words • January 12, 2010 • 1,025 Views
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Individual Rights 1
Individual Rights Versus Public Order
Individual Rights 2
Public order and individual rights are not new controversy and how, since,
Immemorial, governments and individual citizens have had to walk a thin tightrope between the two ideals. This controversy was the catalyst that sparked the first ten amendments of the Constitution that we know as the Bill of Rights and, how in addition to these rights secured by America’s forefathers, a number of institutions have arisen to ensure the protection of individual rights in an increasingly complex world. In order to add balance to this equation, the criminal justice system needs to focus on the advantages and disadvantages of both.
Individual rights are a multipurpose legal term that refers to what an individual is allowed to do and what can legally be done to them. It is the concept of individual rights that is the central theme in the ‘due process model’ of criminal justice. The advantages of individual rights exceed the disadvantages. One advantage is that the government is bound by the Constitution and is sworn to preserve, protect, and defend it. If all Americans remained loyal to the Constitution, our republic would remain safe. In the structure of the American system, the people and their individual or natural rights are at the top. The United States guarantees all human beings, as the United Nations emphasizes (pg.1):
• the right to life, liberty, and security of person
• freedom of association, expression, assembly, and movement
• the right to the highest attainable standards of health
• freedom, from arbitrary arrest or detention
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• the right to a fair trial
• the right to just and favorable working conditions
• the right to adequate food, housing, and social security
• the right to education
• the right to equal protection of the law
• freedom from arbitrary interference with privacy, family, home, or correspondence
• freedom from torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment
• freedom from slavery
• the right to a nationality
The United Nations defines public order as (pg.3):
“The enjoyment of some international human rights can be limited in line
legitimate requirements of national security, “public order” (although this
does not offer a carte blanche to abrogate human rights or public health.”
The United States has individual rights which are vast and added to frequently. Citizens enjoy advantages that other countries only dream of. These rights stretch as far as
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one’s social, cultural, and political perspectives, reaching all the way to gender preference today. Our rights give us security protecting our well-being as a whole. Our various cultures are respected we are educated and when in trouble our individual rights are highly protected and we are internationally secure in the knowledge that our country will protect our individual rights no matter where we are located.
Most would view individual rights as a necessity. But, in the criminal justice system, the rights of an individual can sometimes become a hindrance. Under the United States Constitution,