Minority Suburbanization
By: Monika • Essay • 976 Words • February 11, 2010 • 789 Views
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Minority Suburbanization
Minority suburbanization for African-Americans (38%), Hispanics (72%), and Asia-Americans (84%) has seen an increase in all categories during the last decade. The urban diversity is well mixed with 47% of minorities living in the suburbs of nations 102 largest metropolitan areas. The make-up of the minorities in the suburbs is largely Asian (55%), nearly half of the Latino population (49%), and 4 out of 10 blacks (39%).
It appears that for the blacks suburbanites their ability to move away from the inner city or “keep-up with the Jones” is in direct relationship to their financial abilities. Black suburbanites have income levels just beneath those of white suburbanites. Blacks also reside in newer suburbs that are largely composed of blacks.
Latinos comprise 48 million or 15% of the total U.S. population. They are the nations largest minority population. Half of the Hispanic population today are suburbanites and account for 25% of all suburban growth. However, their growth is more geographical (California, Texas, and Florida) and economically tied to higher income levels.
Asian, are the most suburban minority group. Current Asian immigrants (speak English fluently and have advanced degrees) head directly to the suburbs where employment and schooling opportunities are greatest.
Levels of Social Reality / Levels of Social Analysis:
Race Culture Society Group Interaction Personality Biology / Physiology
Blacks High Middle High N/A N/A
Hispanics Middle High Middle N/A N/A
Asians Middle High Low N/A N/A
It seems that the Blacks are the only culture that is wide spread throughout the U.S. and within suburbia. Latinos and Asian Americans are more demographically located.
The model shows how cultures are formed, developed, and changed based upon progressive growth from group interaction to cultural influences and necessities. Personality and biology / physiology doesn’t appear to affect the culture in this model.
From the information provided, it appears that Asian-Americans have less of a need to be the predominate race whereas Blacks appears to have a dominance in the suburban areas in which they live. This is probably due to racial discrimination that keeps them from moving into white suburban communities and vice versa.
All groups identified with a social need. However, they all vary in the specific