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When I was in grade 8, I met two girls, and we became friends almost instantly. All three of us had come to the High-School from out-of-catchment area, so we were all quite desperate, and happy, to have friends. I was in a CI (computer immersion) program, so for almost all of my subjects, I was with the same people for everything. All of my academics were with the people in my group, and it only changed for classes such as PE, Fine Arts & Applied Skills, and Languages. It was great at first, and pretty much guaranteed that I would be with my new friends, and wouldn’t be alone in any of my classes. It worked out great. The only other people I really knew in the school, were a couple people I had met from my local youth band, which I am apart of.

It wasn’t really until grade 9 rolled around, when being with the same people for everything, began to get tiring. One of my friends, and I, often got into arguments about different things, and really, I wasn’t exactly having much fun being around them. I had met another girl in my Spanish class, and we had become really good friends over the year. She was different then most of the people I had been around with for the past year, and we hit it off, finding we had quite a few shared interests. Near the end of my grade 9 year, I started spending my lunch times with some of my other friends I had met in other classes. Since we were starting to pick our electives in grade 9, I had met a few people, who obviously liked the same things I did. It was nice to have other friends, and between the different people I was hanging out with, I was able to show almost every side of me, without feeling weird. Not only that, but I felt that I had once again gotten someone of �Best Friend’ status, ever since my Best Friend for six years, moved away when I was in grade seven. She was the girl from my Spanish class, and even though we only had that single class together, we were able to keep well in touch, and could talk to each other about almost anything. Not to mention help with the latest homework.

Over the summer from grade 9 to 10, I went through a big change, mainly in appearance. I cut my hair, and started to wear some more brand name clothes. I had really started growing apart from my old friends, but I now had a whole new group, which were a lot more fun to be around. However,

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