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Persuasive Essay

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Salem, Oregon has a population of 142,940 (Travel Salem, 2007), it is the 45th parallel, which means absolutely nothing, but for some reason Salem flaunts it. This wonderful city, that is also the capitol of Oregon, is also one of those few cities that sit between two counties; Marion and Polk. It has two libraries, three comic book stores, six strip clubs and 13 adult bookstores (Yellow Pages, 2007).

Salem has 14 McDonalds, according to There are 14 McDonalds and 13 adult bookstores in a town with a populace of 142, 940. The question that I am trying to present is why are there almost as many stores to buy adult material, as there are establishments to buy a child a Happy Meal?

I should state early on that I do not feel all adult material is wrong. Spicing up a marriage is a completely different subject matter then allowing it to control ones life. I would like to consider the idea that we, as a society, should merge these two types of business into one establishment, a drive-thru McDonalds/Adult Book store. This way one can fill their mind and arteries with guilty pleasure, all in the convenience of a drive-thru.

What effects does pornography have on our current culture and society? (2007) lists eight different effects pornography has on men:

1. Escalation/Desensitization: Those who are addicts experience an ever-increasing lust and a craving for more intense porn. Eventually "soft-core" porn is not stimulating enough, which pushes them into "hard-core." It is a downward spiral.

2. Dissatisfaction with your sex life: Spouses of addicts are affected as sex does not satisfy the addict as it once did. Men who look at porn are dissatisfied by their wife's appearance and this often leads to dysfunctional relationships.

3. Addiction to masturbation: Those addicted to porn are almost always addicted to masturbation. The sexual urges become so strong that masturbation becomes the easiest way of release.

4. Shame and guilt: Emotional pain is perhaps the most common effect of porn addiction. A deep sense of failure and shame is often experienced.

5. Un-erasable images in your mind: Men who no longer view porn fight with mental images for years. They wish they could erase these images from their mind.

6. "Lonerism" and Secrecy: Porn addicts generally keep to themselves and keep their addiction secret. This often results in dysfunctional relationships.

7. Acting it out: Those who view porn frequently have a greater tendency to act out those sexual behaviors on others, no matter what the cost. This may include rape, group sex, voyeurism, having sex with children, inflicting pain, etc.

8. A wrong view of women: Women in porn are

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