Should the Us Legal Drinking Age Be Lowered to 18 or Should It Remain at 21 Years Old?
By: Monika • Essay • 423 Words • January 17, 2010 • 1,437 Views
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Should the US legal drinking age be lowered to 18 OR should it remain at 21 years old?
A. Introduction
At 18 years old, there are many responsibilities gained, such as being able to marry, but one cannot drink alcohol at the wedding reception because every state in the United States has set the legal drinking age at 21 years old. The drinking age has a major impact on the 18-21 year-old crowd because many feel drinking is a right they should have since they are considered adults. This is an issue that faces the national and state governments. The United States passed a law in 1984, to raise the drinking age to 21, and would reduce highway funds for states that didn’t change the age. (United States. Department of Transportation.) Should the drinking age be lowered to 18 years old, when one is considered an adult, and assumes adult privileges and penalties, or should the drinking age remain at 21 years old, since people are more mature and therefore, can be safe and responsible with alcohol?
B. Background Information
There has been a debate since Prohibition, on whether alcohol consumption should be legal or not. Prohibition occurred in 1919, when the 18th Amendment was approved. Prohibition outlawed the manufacture, sale, and transportation of intoxicating liquors. This Amendment was repealed with the 21st Amendment