Street Corner Society Synopsis
By: Andrew • Essay • 1,022 Words • February 16, 2010 • 2,209 Views
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I would say that the characterization of lower class neighborhoods as being disorganized is false. While from an outsider’s view, things may appear hectic and chaotic, there is a finely designed structure among the groups involved in the areas. Individuals find themselves grouping together with others who have similar aspirations and desires; in Street Corner Society, this is seen as the ‘corner boys’ and ‘college boys’. Corner boys grew up, not in schools, but with each other on the area street corners. Doc was the general leader of the corner boys. College boys grew up and moved on into the college life. The Norton Street Settlement House would see the college boys as having aspirations that needed cultivating; while the corner boys were seen as simple 'rednecks'.
The racketeers and those involved in politics were just a grown up version of the two groups. Tony would play Doc's role in the racketeering group known as the Cornerville S & A Club, while Mike, Dom, and Carlos would struggle with a second tier of leadership positions. In politics, candidates have to play a careful game to the corner boys because they were the meat of their campaigns. George Ravello used his contacts in individual precincts to gain the smaller groups 'leaders' and 'followers' support.
One of the books most interesting connections was between bowling and ranking among the overall social structure. The Nortons used the bowling alley as away of setting, and maintaining social standings. The members considered the team matches more important than individual matches because it showed the group that the bowler was 'strong'. This was because the bowler had to deal with any negative thoughts he thought of himself, or from the others. This was especially true when the individual had to wait over a longer period of time between frames.
So, while perhaps a good bowler on his own could have a high score, if he was considered a “follower” and bowling “over his head,” the other followers would heckle him until his score was on par for the followers performance. Long John was often a victim of this tactic. He would bowl well for a while, but then would be attacked by his fellow followers, causing his scores to fall. His social status effected his scores so much so that when his friendship with Doc wasn't as strong, Long John's scores fell drastically. The “followers” weren't able to win because they wouldn't let one of their own excel. The exception to this might have come when Whyte himself won once. This was explained, some what, because he had a close relationship with Doc and he was allowed to win.
The differences between the 'corner boys' and 'college boys' is best seen in the life of their respective leaders. The former had a boy named Doc; a kid who grew up on Norton Street who had a shriveled arm, but didn't let himself or anyone else use it as an excuse. His rise to power was by the way of the fist. After an unwanted fight, he began to just beat up almost anyone who disrespected him, or at least, didn't do as he wished. He eventually grew a group of friends/members that came to be known as the Nortons. This group generally took labor jobs and didn't have much of a secondary education.
The college boys had Chick. Chick was eight when he moved from Italy to Cornerville. He grew up struggling in the United States because of his speech and because of his minority status as an Italian in school and at college. He was able to afford