The Silent Cry
By: Kevin • Essay • 1,003 Words • February 7, 2010 • 915 Views
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The Silent Cry
There have been over forty million abortions since 1973. Partial Birth Abortion is the inexcusable killing of an unborn child in the most unpleasant way possible. This is the deliberate killing of a child by sucking out its brain while it is still alive, not posthumously. In no way is it an imposing procedure, except in cases where the stability of the mother is not very sturdy. In that case the mother should be respective enough to do it before the child has matured that much.
To Begin, a babies tiny brain starts to shape only eighteen days after conception and by twenty days the spinal cord is growing and the brain is separating into three different sections. Four or five weeks after conception, pain receptors and nerve fibers become visible; these nerve fibers carry stimuli to the brain. Pain receptors appear all the way through the baby’s body by week eighteen, and the child can already feel touch by week six. In weeks eight-sixteen the thalamus develops, which is the relay center in the brain. The cerebral cortex develops in weeks six-eighteen. In week eighteen the cortex gets a complement of neurons, and the spinal cord and thalamus are developed. Between weeks twenty-thirty the unborn child has more pain receptors than that of any other time in its life and only a thin layer of skin for protection. The Unborn child may even feel pain before the nerve tracts are fully established. With the pain receptors, spinal cord, nerve tracts, thalamus, and cortex in place, all anatomical links needed for feeling pain, are present. The part of the brain that interferes with the experience of pain does not develop until weeks thirty-thirty two. The pain an unborn child feels before these parts form is worse than the pain an older child or adult would feel. Most of these babies are old enough to live outside the womb if their born alive and have medical treatment.
Not only is it painful for the baby but it is also painful for the mother. During this procedure the doctor forcefully dilates the cervix, which could tear the stiff muscle because it is not ready to open for the birth of a baby. Then he has to reach in with forceps and drag the baby down through the birth canal, the fetus is turned inside the womb so it comes out breech and just the head is inside the uterus. Once everything but the head is delivered the abortionist jam’s scissors into the baby's skull, the scissors are then opened to enlarge the hole, then the scissors are removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The child's brains are sucked out; causing the skull to collapse and the dead baby is then removed. Pulling the baby into breech position is very dangerous and it could rip the uterus, a ruptured uterus could make the mother bleed to death in about 10 minutes. Almost 97% of women having abortions say they experience pain during the procedure. Researchers say that abortion pain is about the same as cancer pain but not as painful as an amputation. Studies also prove that young women find abortion more painful than older women do. Anesthetics can help reduce this pain, but also causes risks of other problems including cervical injury or uterine perforation. Other risks for a partial birth abortion include bleeding, hemorrhage, amniotic fluid embolism, placental abruption, laceration of the cervix, menstrual disturbance, later miscarriages, inflammation of the reproductive organs, sterility, bladder or bowel damage, and serious infection.