Typecasting in the Real World
By: Artur • Essay • 829 Words • January 20, 2010 • 925 Views
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Society in general has always stereotyped people. Certain labels have been put upon people for years, such as nerd, jock, and prep. Everyone has been judged by people they have never met, be it by financial status, association, appearance, race, gender, etc. Throughout my life, I have been stereotyped by my personality and beliefs, and I have often judged others by their personality and appearance.
My entire life I have been what society would call a stereotypical blonde-haired woman. I am very talkative and outgoing. Unfortunately, I also have a tendency not to think before I speak - a habit that often leaves me seeming like an idiot. I also come from the boondocks, possess a heavy West Texan accent, and often dress as if I am trying to do a Charmayne James impression. Because of both of these facets of my personality, people often think that I am not very intelligent. Many also conclude that I have a reputation for doing stupid things, such as partying, because of these sides of me. Those who judge me as an idiotic hick are not vindicated in their judgment. I am salutatorian of my class at Forsan High School. I am also a National Merit Scholarship semi-finalist, state-qualifier for several math events in UIL, and a member of National Honor Roll and National Honor Society. Many of the people who judge me as an reckless girl from the country don’t want to be associated with me once they figure out that I am not what they thought. I am glad that people like this leave, because if I were to be associated with them I could be hurt seriously or get into major trouble.
About half of teenagers today are still virgins. As for the Forsan High School senior class, about twenty percent are still virgins. I am one of the six girls in my class who have not had sex. Unlike many who have vowed to keep themselves sexually pure until marriage, I don’t look down on people who choose to have sex. In fact, my best friend had an abortion in earlier this year. What another person does with his or her body is his or her business. I have simply been raised to believe that sexual conduct is meant to be saved for marriage. I grew up attending both Lutheran and Catholic churches, but only on the rare occasion that my parents were not working. Because I am upfront about my beliefs, many automatically assume that I am a hard-core holy roller who never misses a day of church and reads the Bible constantly. Many are shocked to find out that I am not. Every time I utter a curse word someone makes a comment about how he or she can not believe I said that. When I tell people I do not go to church, many are taken aback