Computerized Manufacturing
By: Wendy • Research Paper • 2,673 Words • January 28, 2010 • 757 Views
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Jennifer Pickle
Computerized Manufacturing Systems
Professor: Packey Laverty
October 8, 1999
Historical manufacturing and accounting management systems did not provide data for effective development of a production schedule or supply chain management. (6) Companies did not have the ability to measure inventory, workflow process, labor and production efficiently or accurately. With the progression of automation and the revolution of the desktop computer accompanied by developing software companies are now able to use computerized manufacturing systems to record and maintain accurate data and management all aspects of the accounting and manufacturing process. (2) This paper will discuss the development of automation and computerized manufacturing systems and specifically the ERP solution.
Manufacturing systems were initially managed by abstract calculations or simulators designed to produce theoretical results and measure manufacturing schedules. These methods were very time consuming and cost effective. The job of a manufacturing organization was broken down into various development phases. (1) These phases include the following:
Table (1):
Operation: The task to be performed in the manufacturing job shop
Processing Time: The amount of time required to process the operation (in most cases sets up times are independent of operation relations and are included in processing time)
Job: The set of operations that are interrelated by procedure constraints derived from technological restrictions.
Machine: The piece of equipment (a device or a facility) capable of performing an operation.
Release Time: The time in which the job is released to the shop floor, it is the earliest time at which the first operation of the job can begin processing.
Due Date: The time by which the last operation of the job should be completed.
Completion Time: The time at which processing of the last operation of the job is complete.
Schedule: Specification of execution of each operation on a particular machine at a specific time. A feasible schedule is a schedule that observes all problem constraints.
These phases would usually be done manually and line managers would measure the process.(1) These measurements would be dependent on variable for example, sick time, employee production and employee motivation.(1) Although these steps are similar today these variables have been greatly removed from the manufacturing process through automation and more efficient production data and scheduling tools available.(1)
Another method for developing manufacturing schedules was through the use of simulators. One of the original programming languages, "Fortran" was used as a tool for planning departments.(5) The planning team would use Fortran to construct simulation models for various industries, however one of the primary uses for these models was in manufacturing and process control.(5) The simulator used elementary building blocks or model components to develop a sample production environment.(5) These simulators were used to determine which system functions and elements frequently occur in the manufacturing system and what was the time and cost model associate with the system. (5)
Simulators and job shop/manufacturing models are examples of inefficiencies in time and cost that encouraged the growth of automation and technology.(3) Although these manual systems may seem archaic they were used in widespread use less then ten years ago.(3) In addition to the use of manufacturing models other business functions were controlled in this same manner. For example, accounting systems were largely managed and documented on handwritten chart(s) of accounts or ledgers.(8) Payroll organizations would process deductions manually on adding machines and hand write payroll checks. (8) All business systems have been streamlined through automation and technological means.
The development of increased productivity in the manufacturing arena was largely due to the automation of job shops.(9) With the introduction of Robotic and Artificial Intelligence (AI) many repetitive activities could be performed by machine rather then man.(4) Technology is knowledge and information, technologe is knowledge of how to produce and use knowledge more effectively.(2) The principle of technology allowed companies to use machines