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Counter Strike

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In 1997, a group of college kids gave birth to something that would become a world renowned phenomenon, Counter-Strike. Counter-Strike is an online, team based, first person shooter. In this game, the two teams (terrorists and counter-terrorists) face off against one another using various team-specific weapons and attempt to gain victory by completing team specific objectives. The counter-terrorists must rescue hostages, protect V.I.P.’s, and protect bomb sites from the terrorists. While the terrorists must prevent the rescuing of hostages, assassinate V.I.P.’s, and destroy bomb sites

Counter-strike is host to a large variety of real weapons that are being used in similar situations today, spooky eh? Each player in the game has their own budget and may buy weapons, ammunition and equipment (such as Kevlar armor and grenades). Players earn money for by completing their specific objectives and by defeating opponents. There are five categories of primary weapons for players to choose from, shotguns, sub-machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and machine guns. Each of these categories has it’s own strengths and weaknesses and a player’s choice can mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Shotguns are extremely powerful short ranged weapons. There are two shotguns to choose from in counter-strike, the M3 Super pump shotgun, and the Bennelli XM automatic shotgun. Both of these weapons are used best during close ranged combat, even though there has been some success using them during medium ranged situations. Shotguns are extremely powerful and are loaded with a deadly 12 gauge shell that can drop and opponent in two shots or less. The pump shotgun’s fire rate is significantly less than the automatic shotgun, because of the “pumping” mechanism that brings the next shell into the chamber, the automatic shotgun isn’t hindered by this and can empty it’s load in only a few seconds. Despite this disadvantage in speed, the M3 Super shotgun outmatches the Bennelli XM in power.

Sub-machine guns are light-weight, versatile, and fast firing weapons. Sub-machine guns are a good choice for almost any situation, due to their lack of recoil. Best used during medium ranged combat, however, their ability to fire fully automatic fairly accurately in close quarters makes them an excellent choice for close quarters combat as well. These weapons lack power due to their low caliber rounds (9mm and .45 caliber). Their small ammunition may lack power, but they also create less recoil, giving the weapons less kick and more accuracy, especially during suppressed fire. Even though a sub-machine gun is capable of accurate automatic firing, short controlled bursts are usually more efficient and more accurate for longer ranged situations.

Assault rifles are the most popular weapons of the game, with their good range, accuracy, power, and penetration, who wouldn’t want to wield an AK-47 or Colt M4 Carbine? All of the six assault rifles in the game have excellent range and are best used during medium to long range combat. All of the rifles offer light armor piercing rounds (5.56 NATO), save for the AK-47, which takes it up a notch with the more powerful 7.62 NATO round. Both types of ammunition, however, offer excellent power and are hindered only slightly (if at all) by Kevlar armor. Even though the assault rifles are capable of fully automatic fire, because of their heavier weight (than sub-machine guns), they are much less accurate during this type of firing and are affected more by recoil (due to the heavier ammunition and weapon weight). Short controlled burst or even single shot fire is recommended for best performance.

The four sniper rifles in the game fall into two categories and will be discussed about differently. The bolt-action

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