What Is the Predominant Culture at Present and How Can It Be Changed to Meet Cultural Goals of the Organization?
By: Victor • Essay • 920 Words • January 10, 2010 • 1,417 Views
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What is the predominant culture at present and how can it be changed to meet cultural goals of the organization?
In the following report I will answer the two questions �What is the predominant culture at present and how can it be changed to meet the culture goals of the organization?’ I will explain how the current family culture works and explain what deficiencies it consist of and I will also explain how they need to change the culture to meet the cultural goals of the organisation. To help me answer my question more easily I have made a causal map which will help me in the answering the harder parts of the question.
Most of James Merriot consists of family member in management positions. At the moment the staff turnover is very low compared to positions of responsibility. This is really not good for the business as it doesn’t have enough staff in the workshop to produce the goods, which will reflect the number to goods produced and that will also reflect the revenue for the firm.
The current predominant culture at present is very much of a family culture. Most of the current family members in responsible positions are placed in areas of deficiencies in the firms. James Merriot is a successful company because it uses informal communication to make decisions, which speeds up the process. This also increases the risk of incorrect decisions made by the CEO James Merriot. Recruiting more family members over qualified staff creates a bitter feeling between the workers and they will not work to their full ability. This could lead to lower levels of revenue and profits. Most of the family members are also recruited in departments which consist of deficiencies and they might not have the experience or the knowledge on how to get rid of the deficiencies.
At the moment the lone decision maker is the CEO of the company James Marriot. This will need to change as the company grows there will be a need of more decision makers in a company, leading to less mistakes made by the management.
To overcome this problem what James Merriot has to do is that he needs to stop overlooking staff members who are qualified to manage a part of the business and promote them. The reason for the low turnover for the staff is that because most of the potential managers who were working at the firm were overlooked, so they quit to get a better job. If James Merriot brings in young and able managers the the informal communication will turn into formal communication. This will make decision making slower then it currently is. But this will also result in fewer wrong decisions made; this can over the long term save the company a lot of money.
Hiring able managers from the current work force will reduce deficiencies in different departments and also reduce the bitter feelings between the current workforce and the management. No bitter feelings and more job opportunities will mean that the staff members will not quit and the productivity will be high. This over a period of time can help bring a lot of money in for the family.
“The point at which decisions are made lie with the CEO, this makes for fast and effective decision” (Consultants