14 Traits of the Sermon on the Mount
By: Fonta • Study Guide • 1,210 Words • December 7, 2009 • 2,205 Views
Essay title: 14 Traits of the Sermon on the Mount
Traditional Vicious Cycle Transforming Initiative
1. You shall not kill Being angry , or Go, be reconciled
saying, ‘You fool!’
2. You shall not commit Looking with lust is Remove the cause of
adultery adultery in the heart. temptation (cf. Mk 9:43ff.)
3. Whoever divorces, Divorcing involves you in (Be reconciled: I Cor 7:11)
give a certificate adultery
4. You shall not swear Swearing by anything Let your yes be yes, and
falsely involves you in a false claim your no be no.
5. Eye for eye, Retaliating violently or Turn the other cheek
tooth for tooth revengefully, by evil means Give your tunic and cloak
Go the second mile
Give to beggar & borrower
6. Love neighbor & hate Hating enemies is the same Love enemies, Pray for
enemy vicious cycle that you see in your persecutors; be all-
the Gentiles & tax collectors inclusive as your Father in
heaven is
7. When you give alms, Practicing righteousness But give in secret, and your
for show Father will reward you
8. When you pray, Practicing righteousness But pray in secret, and your
for show Father will reward you
9. When you pray, Practicing