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Essay title: Acid

Screaming at the Perception of Death

I definitely will always remember this cold and rainy night as if I was just waking from the night before. We were young then and had no idea what this life had to offer us. It was careless and at the time I could have cared whole world could have come crashing down at this one moment with one smash, one swerve or one scream and I could have cared less...we were on so many drugs and so many highs we couldn't have cared about things like life, love or family...When I thought I was dead I could not have cared more.

It all started late that night. It was a freezing night and the sky was dark and gloomy. The air smelled of rain and moisture because it had been raining all day. One of my good friends, Tony, and I were staying the night at my house after a long night of drinking, partying and hanging out at The Palace, an underage dance club down the street from my house. We had already told my mom goodnight and headed off to bed. Our night was not over yet though...A friend of ours, Dana, was having a party at her house all weekend because her mom was out of town. We had asked my mom earlier if we could stay at Tony's house because we knew his dad would just let us go, but I think she had a hint already of that situation so she said no and that she thought we should just stay there. We were going to the party anyways.

The phone rang and it must have been one of the loudest most piercing rings ever because we were on our way out the door trying our hardest to get out without making a sound so that we could escape the house without my mom knowing. My mom's scream, "TOOONY...who in the hell is calling my house at two o'clock in the morning?" was all I heard as I sprinted back in the house to throw my shoes off and answer the phone knowing it was probably one of my friends being drunk and ignorant.

This time the phone was for her... perfect time to leave "Moooom, its for you! Pick it up in there!" I slammed the phone down. We bailed outside as quiet and quickly as we could. By this time we just wanted to get there as fast as possible. Some point between my front door and the street I had this brilliant idea. I told Tony, "My sisters car is unlocked and you don't need the keys to start it."

Tony said "Lets do it!" as I jumped in the drivers seat and started the little purple escort. I knew he would be down. We were on our way...careless as we were. I loved driving. It was amazing being behind the wheel of a car. We could go anywhere now and we drove around so fast and so oblivious to the life around us. The trees and houses were screaming by at speeds so fast that I could not even make out what neighborhood we were in and the smell of battery acid and radiator fluid was so potent it was making me sick. But I loved that feeling of the steering wheel turning in my hands.

We screamed "Fuck the world !" as I turned every corner. Truthfully I am amazed we ever made it to our destination. When we got to the party it was crazy and there were drunk people everywhere stumbling all over the streets and screaming about nothing and everything all at once just trying to be young. We pulled up and everyone heard us coming and saw how "cool" we were driving a car. The first thing I did was went in to grab a beer and that was "cool" too. My friend Johnny was there and right when I walked in he said he needed to go grab something from his house to light this party up. It was so loud I could only hear half of what he said but as drunk and stupid as I was at that moment "I got a car let's go." is all that could come out of my mouth. We both grabbed another beer. "Wait here I'm gonna get some tunes I'll be back." I had to yell to him even though he was only three feet away and I ran inside. I got the Snoop Dogg C.D. out of the stereo inside and we were on our way.

"Where do you live at man?" I said as if I cared. I don't even think I ever heard his answer if he even heard my question and we just went. In our minds this was just another adventure. We weren't out to hurt anybody and if we wrecked it was only us at stake so it was nobody else's goddamn business what we were doing or where we were. We sped off fast and hit the mailbox as we went.

"Sorry Dana, I'll fix it tomorrow." I screamed over the pounding music as if I knew there was going to be a tomorrow. We drove down the street even more oblivious than before. With the windows down we could still hear the wind screaming over Snoop Dogg's "Gangsta Party" playing at full blast. Somehow after about a half hour of driving we ended up in an alley behind Johnny's house, by the Jack in the Box. He was

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