Ap Us History: After Math 1812 -Ghent Treaty
By: Andrew • Essay • 1,145 Words • December 13, 2009 • 1,269 Views
Essay title: Ap Us History: After Math 1812 -Ghent Treaty
was the Ghent Treaty a Failure or a Success in the views of Americans? How Did it affect the country ?
Ghent Treaty: Success or Failure?
The War of 1812 was fought between the new and fragile United States against the British Empire, Canadian Provinces and a few Woodland Indian Tribes. The War of 1812 was an attempt by the Americans to establish their dominance in North America by conquest of the British owned Canadian Provinces. With an under supplied and undermanned army and navy the United States managed to scrape up a stalemate with the British. The British, with the defeat of Napoleon, turn back toward the Old World to establish their presence as the greatest empire in Europe. The Treaty of Ghent was signed by both, the British and United States, to agree upon an armistice and return all rightful land and prisoners back to their respective country. The War of 1812 had major effects in the aftermath of the war both domestically and in foreign affairs. The United States, coming off a decent result on land and even more importantly on the seas against the British Empire, gained more respect in the community of European nations. Inside its borders, America had the greatest nationalistic movement it has seen since the forming of the Union. Nationalism boosted the economy, the arts, and transportation. “The American System” was formed and an anthem was created that Americans can sing to show their patriotism.
As the War of 1812 concluded the world’s super powers, France, Spain and Portugal, are stunned once again. For the second time the Americans control the British in North America. Americans stake a claim that they are a force which is strong, independent and assumes respect. The foreign policy result of the War of 1812 is a great boost to the ego and respect for Americans by fellow European counterparts.
Inside its newly formed borders American pride is overflowing the democratic cup. Nationalism is at an all time high. Throughout the Republic, Americans young and old are proud to be Americans. American writers and poets contribute to the newly established American Literature section. Poets, like Washington Irving and Fennimore Cooper, make a splash in the United States and in the international scene. Artists create a new style called landscape mode. They draw the majestic American landscapes on sideways canvass. Education switched from a British point of view to an American point of view. Textbooks were published by an for Americans. Newly formed magazines, like the New Orleans Review, showcase the more sophisticated life present in the United States. During the War of 1812, there was prisoner by the name of Francis Scott Key. While serving his time as a captured prisoner of war, he sees the American flag torn and battered waving in the wind regally. This flag inspired him to the Star Spangled Banner, America’s first and only national anthem.
The American System is another vital outcome of the War of 1812. “The American System” is three pronged system supported by Henry Clay. “The American System” is a political, economical and social powerhouse. It calls for a tariff that protects American markets from being flooded with cheap goods from the Napoleon devastated Europe. It called for twenty to twenty-five percent tariff on goods coming into the United States. This gave a sense of nationalistic boost for the manufactures in New England. Seeing how the Government backed up New England economics, it gave the manufactures a sense of worth, thus giving them motivation for increasing their companies and giving jobs to a new working class in the Northeast. For the “Westerner”, The American System instituted a national bank that would give out easier loans. Many farmers that were rushing to stake a claiming in the “West” were typically poor yeoman farmers that did not work out in the East, South or New England. These farmers needed money to buy this newly acquired public land and the bank was right there to help them. Transportation was last on the list. The American