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Appearance Vs. Reality in Hamet

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Essay title: Appearance Vs. Reality in Hamet

Appearance vs. reality in ShakespeareТs Hamlet is a jaded yet common theme. This play is teeming with characters that play their roles behind a veil of duplicity. They often appear to be one way when they really are something entirely different.

The most evident player in this game is our beloved Hamlet. He mourns so deeply the death of his father and hatred for his motherТs ignorance that he appears to be quite insane, when in reality he uses this false madness as a decoy to avenge his fatherТs wrongful murder. Another prime example is his love for Ophelia. He is so hurt by her avoiding him that he uses it to advantage, pushing her away as if in hatred in order to preserve and protect her feelings. He uses his erroneous madness to manipulate and deceive the other characters when in reality he is utilizing an ingenious method of carrying out his master plan. He plays his part incredibly well, through his fake disease he is able to convince Polonius and Ophelia that his reason for the madness is his un-dying love for Ophelia. He accomplishes not only that but is also able to catch Claudius during the play plagued by guilt. Hamlet is extremely tainted by his role for revenge, but his illusionary madness allows him to accomplish his task. ЦУI will tell you why; so shall my anticipation prevent your discovery, and your secrecy to the king and queen molt no feather. I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth, forgone all custom of exercises, and, indeed, it goes heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth, seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave oТer hanging firmament, this majestical roof, fretted with golden fire-why, it appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors.Ф- Hamlet, act 2 scene 2, lines 316-326.

Then we have our two-faced Claudius. The loyal king and hero of DenmarkЕ. right? Claudius wanted to be king, rule the land and crown his queen. He gave no regard to the feelings of the family. He was jealous and ruthless in pursuing his dreamЕruthless to the point of murder. He pretends to be concerned and upset with the actions of Hamlet and his well being, when in reality his is frightened that Hamlet is aware of his lethal secret. It was as if he cast a spell on the whole kingdom for his own self-fulfilling interest. Our УinnocentФ Claudius even summons spies to investigate the origin of HamletТs madnessЕnot for the good of Hamlet but for himself. He is indeed a jaded character, whose kind aura masks the face of a selfish murderer. ЦУwhose whisper oТer the worldТs diameter, as levels as the cannon to his blank transports his poisoned shot, may miss our name and hit the woundless air. oh come away! My soul is full of discord and dismay!Ф- Claudius, act 4 scene 1, lines 42-46. This quote demonstrates how Claudius seems to be worried about Hamlet and his actions when he is really fearful of him discovering the truth.

Polonius appears to be a loyal and trustworthy servant to the kingdom, willing to take on tasks and burdens requested by their majesties. In reality Polonius is an evil, greedy selfish man, who serves not his kingdom but himself. Polonius appears to be happy, concerned and supportive of his son, Laertes, journey to France. He seems to be behind his son one hundred percent. Of course not shortly after

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