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Are the Oceans Really at Risk?

By:   •  Essay  •  481 Words  •  November 28, 2009  •  1,215 Views

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Essay title: Are the Oceans Really at Risk?

Are the Oceans actually at risk?

These days majority of people do not think about what might be best for the oceans when performing actions that may be harmful towards our beloved bodies of water. It is easily taken for granted. It is hard to believe that our oceans cover such a large portion of our planet Earth and provide us with such great benefits and yet, nobody appreciates our oceans as much as they should. The oceans are vast, but not limitless. Our oceans give life to the planet and contain 80% of all life on it (Greenpeace). All of the world's population, which includes people living far away from the coast, depends upon the ocean. We need to start protect our superb bodies of water more, only a tiny area of ocean is protected from increasingly destructive human activity. This destructive human activity includes overfishing, pollution, and destruction of the coral reefs. Overfishing could take seafood off the menu by 2048 (Scientific American). All of this activity is slowly degrading our mass waters. If it does not stop soon we will be in serius trouble when everyone expects to still be able to use all of those benfits the ocean offers.

Coral reefs are very important to our future. Many people think that coral is a plant but really it is an animal that is related to the jellyfish (Oceans, 15). Coral reefs are diverse living ecosystems; they are homes for millions of fish and other species, many that we rely on for food. Do not forget that coral reefs help protect communities close to the coast from storms. Coral reefs are also full of new and undiscovered biomedical resources that we have only just begun to explore. "As the 'rain forests of the sea,'

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