As Product of a Mass of Bluetooth-Fakes
By: Mike • Study Guide • 262 Words • December 14, 2008 • 2,382 Views
Essay title: As Product of a Mass of Bluetooth-Fakes
My friend has long wanted to buy a bluetooth 2.0 adapter for the desktop to be able to music on headphones to listen sinezubyh.
Accordingly chose inexpensive dongl Class 1, with a range of 100 meters.
And bumped option, which it conquered.
Since the adapter for desktop, miniature not important. And there is a antennka! Perhaps range will be really good!
Actually bought, brought home, but it handles playful, decided to look inwards.
And what he saw?
Not only that the antenna is simply a plastic feyk, nowhere connected, and the board itself is otsily half shell.
More worse. Under MacOS and Windows XP, it is not defined as a standard. If vindu possible to complete the driver (the quality of which I have not yet been tested, but which very much doubt), then under makosyu it completely useless.
In short ofigensky divorce. These adapters are now sold in many stores. Do not run into as my friend. Choose small cards, if possible, try to make sure that the adapter with a good stack type Broadcom-Widcomm.