Becoming a Real Estate Agent
By: Edward • Study Guide • 744 Words • November 25, 2009 • 1,371 Views
Essay title: Becoming a Real Estate Agent
Senior Project
Mike Smith
Senior Project Outline
Introduction: Let the reader know what this Essay is about.
I. What I already know
A. You will always have a job
1. People always want to buy a new house
2. People always want to sell their old house
B. Becoming your own boss
1. Setting your own commission rates
2. You will always be in charge
II. What I learned
A. How much you would make
1. The beginning rate
2. How much you could make up to
B. What you need to become a Real Estate Agent
1. A Salesman License
2. Real Estate Broker’s License
III. The Advantages and Disadvantages of being in Real
A. What you would like most about your job
1. Being your own boss
2. You will always have a job
B. What you would like least about your job
1. The long hours
2. And having to have a great deal of patience
Conclusion: Describe why I would this job.
Mike Smith
MR. Smith
17 March 2005
Hello my name is Mike Smith. I am here today to
to you about becoming a Real Estate Agent. I will let
you know everything you need to know about how to become a
Real Estate Agent. Such as needing a license, the time and
energy you need to become the best Broker possible. The
guaranty of always having a job, within a matter of years
becoming your own boos by starting your own company,and
what you will earn in return for making peoples lives a
whole lot better.
The things I already know about Real Estate are as
follows. I know that you will never lose your job. The
reason why you will never lose your job is because people
are always trying to buy a house or sell a house,or a piece
of their property etc.. You might not have a new client
everyday but you will have at least one new job/client to
deal with every week. Then after making enough sales you
came become your own boss. Which means once you become your
own boss you can make your own commission rates, the time
start working and how long you work, plus you get make