By: Wendy • Essay • 630 Words • December 8, 2009 • 1,336 Views
Essay title: Bidule
Julie Jimenez
Period 2
As I walked into my fourth grade classroom my teacher, Mr. Myron, announced that we had a new student in our class. This announcement made the classroom buzz with excitement because nothing interesting ever happened in our school. Mr. Myron then proceeded by asking if anyone "would please show her around school?" And of course, being a social butterfly that I am, I volunteered to show the new girl everything there was to see. Little did I know that I met the person who would change the way I viewed school for the rest of my life.
Incredible how my changing her voice as she read or by making funny comments on boring subjects, such as math, Chelsea Harris made me interested in the paying attention to what goes on in a classroom. For example, Mr. Myron would be saying something incredibly boring but then I would hear Chelsea laughing and I would immediately start paying attention because I wanted to know what was so funny. This made my learning experience much more enjoyable and I don't think she will ever truly know how thankful I am for that.
Though I didn't hate school in general, I hated reading; I found it to be the most drudging task on the planet. But, I remember when Chelsea accomplished making me enjoy reading a book. It was fifth grade and the bell rung for recess, and I quickly jetted out of my chair to enjoy those twenty minutes of freedom from my teacher. I got as far as the door when I remembered to wait for Chelsea, so I stopped my escapade to the playground and impatiently waited. As Chelsea approached me I saw she was holding something and when she was close enough for me to see what she had in her hand I thought she had gone insane. She was holding a book. I asked her what she was going to do with that and she responded with "I'm going to read. Duh." I could not possibly comprehend how she was willing to spend her break reading a book rather than playing dodge ball. I think she saw my confusion on my face because