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Biography of Genghis Khan

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Essay title: Biography of Genghis Khan

Biography of Genghis Khan

The old world had many great leaders. Alexander the Great,

Hannibal and even Julius Caesar met with struggle on their rise to

power. Perhaps Genghis Khan was the most significant of all these

rulers. To prove that Genghis Khan was the greatest ruler, we must go

back to the very beginning of his existence. We must examine such

issues as; Genghis№s struggle for power/how his life as a child would

affect his rule, his personal and military achievements and his


Genghis Khan was originally born as Temujin in 1167. He showed

early promise as a leader and a fighter. By 1206, an assembly of

Mongolian chieftains proclaimed him Genghis Khan. Which meant

Universal or invincible prince. This was a bold move for the assembly.

They obviously saw some leadership qualities in Genghis that others

didn№t. When Genghis Khan was little, his chieftain father poisoned.

With no leader left, the tribe abandoned Genghis and his mother. They

were left alone for many years to care for themselves. Throughout

these years, his family met many hardships such as shortage of food

and shortage of money. Though unable to read, Genghis was a very wise

man. His mother told him at a very early age the importance of trust

and independence. "Remember, you have no companions but your shadow"

Grolier Encyclopedia. (1995) CD ROM

This quote was to mean to Genghis, don№t put to much trust in

anyone, trust no one but yourself and if you must go your own way then

do so. In 1206, Genghis Khan proclaimed the ruler of Mongolia. Genghis

was a very respected leader. Like other leaders he knew what his

people wanted. They want everything that is good and nothing that is

bad. Genghis knew he could not promise this so instead he pledged to

share both the sweet and the bitter of life. Genghis did not want to

end up being poisoned like his father so instead he made alliances,

and attacked anyone who posed a serious threat. Through this method

of leadership, Genghis№s army grew to the point where they were


Genghis contributed a lot

of items to the chinese and even

western civilizations. Perhaps his greatest contribution was a code of

laws that he declared. Since Genghis couldn№t read or write, these law

were documented by one of his followers. His laws were carried on by

people though the many generations to the point of still being in use

today. Either as a modification of Genghis№s laws or as Genghis had

declared them. Genghis Khan promoted the growth of trade between China

and Europe. This allowed him to gain essential supplies such as food,

weapons and other essential survival materials. Genghis also invented

a system similar to the pony express. It was a system in which the

horse and rider could silently communicate, a system that is still in

use today. Perhaps the greatest gift ever given by Genghis Khan was

the gift of language. Genghis was the first ruler to develop a

Mongolian language. Genghis Khan was also a military and strategic

genius. He structured his army in a unique and interesting fashion. He

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