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Brave New World V 1984

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Essay title: Brave New World V 1984

Our society is, in many ways, far from the totalitarianism of George Orwell’s 1984, and yet it is surprisingly close to the brainwashed civilization of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World which paints a vivid picture of indulgence, promiscuity, and an utter lack of individuality. The world of Brave New World is mindless and seeped so deeply in pleasure that the people, rather than being oppressed as in 1984, lack any incentive to change, and, much like our culture today, indulge gluttonously in everything.

Fifty years ago, sex was simply not taboo. You did not “air your dirty laundry” and nor did you see sexual images in movies, commercials, books, and other such media. Now, however, movies are constantly rated PG13 or R due to sexual content. It’s everywhere, and according to most people, trying to stem such promiscuity is infringing upon their personal rights. Love itself is not the same as it was fifty years ago. Fifty years ago, if you got married, you were expected to stay married. Marriage meant love, marriage meant commitment, and marriage meant loyalty. Marriage was not merely an act that could be broken if things didn’t turn out right; divorce wasn’t a “back up plan.” Yes, divorce was there, but it certainly wasn’t running rampant as it is today. Adultery is surprisingly common, and in some respects everyone does belong to everyone else- not to the extent of Brave New World where it is considered unhealthy to be chaste, but there are people in this world who scoff at such “old fashioned values” as remaining chaste until marriage. Unlike 1984 where sex is condemned, our society simply turns a blind eye. Whereas once upon a time people would look down upon those who slept around, now it is considered average; who’s to say within the next fifty years it won’t be encouraged as it is in Brave New World?

One of the foundations of the society in Brave New World is technology. Without the advanced technology they command, their “perfect” world would not exist, and the people in Brave New World absolutely adore their technology from the popular feelies to the vibro-vacs. Similarly, our society is utterly dependent on technology, most of which isn’t even healthy. Technology provides the “easy way out” which is where the

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