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Building Global Brand

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Essay title: Building Global Brand


I. Introduction 2

II. Brand

1. Definition of Brand 3

2. What Makes a Brand Great 4

3. Brand as a Business Asset 6

III. Global brand

1. Globalization and Brand 7

2. Brand Building Focus on the Brand Identity 7

IV. Building Brand with Brand Advertising

1. Building Brand – The Role of Sponsorship 10

2. Building Brand – The Role of Web 13

3. Building Brand – The Role of Media Advertising 14

V. Conclusion 15

VI. List of References 16

I. Introduction

Since the early time, the conception of brand has marked a turning point in business whether it regards as brand identity, brand equity, or brand loyalty (Hart and Murphy, 1998). The brand now places a first impression in the product market. It sets what people consider and also determine whether the business will succeed or even fail. A brand, therefore, is the most important part of the business because the success of brand is identical to the business success.

Kapferer (1997) argues that a brand is not a product. It is more prominent than a product itself. It leads company in the way to differentiate products from competitors. The competition in specific direction is the key issue that brand is facing nowadays. Thus, brand is a challenge for the company to become globally competitive in this globalization zone. Given stiff competition in the global market, what strategies should a company need to adopt with?

This essay consists of three main parts, i.e. brand, global brand and building brand with brand advertising. Part 1 will define the meaning of brand, the issues that businesses should consider in making the brand great and brand as a financial asset. Part 2 will discuss the impact of globalization within a brand and the creation of brand building strategy concentrate in brand identity. Last but not least, part 3 will focus on how brand advertising facilitates the brand building strategy. In addition, as a final point, this essay aims to provide a better understanding to the process of building brand becoming global brand.

II. Brand

1. Definition of Brand

To begin with, this essay will objectively identify what brand is. A word “brand” is now such a popular word used in the public talk. Daniels, Radebaugh and Sullivan (2007, p. 543) argues that “a brand is an identifying mark for products or services”. Knapp, the President of Brand Strategy consulting firm defines that “a brand is a name or a trademark” (1999, p. 5). Aaker (1991) states that a brand is a name and/or symbol which propose to identify and differentiate the goods or services from competitors. The statement of Aaker provides a definition of brand by describing the aim of brand as well. Similarly, Ellwood (2002), the Head of Strategy in Interbrand, examines that a brand is used to differentiate products from other competitors.

From the above definitions, the meaning of brand typically encompass two main points which are �mark’ and �differentiation’. Celia Lury, sociologist at Goldsmiths College, University of London, explains the meaning of �mark’ (Ellwood, 2002). The mark within a brand is very different from a message in the content however the mark yet puts a brand as important as the meaning of message because it indicates what the recognizable point is. Furthermore, the Dictionary of Business and Management (Rosenberg, 1993) illuminates the meaning of �differentiation’ as the aiding point for customers to differentiate items from various manufacturers so that customers can be protected from competitors who would like to attempt them with presenting the identical products (Aaker, 1991).

Kotler, Brown, Adam, Burton and Armstrong (2007, p. 406), in summary, identify the definition of brand in their latest book of marketing:

“A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of these, intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors”.


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