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Canadian Legal System

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Essay title: Canadian Legal System

On September 25th, 3:00PM, I attended the Ontario Traffic Courts at 1530 Markham Road. Room E9 is where the trial took place, my trial to be exact. You see, on April 27th, at 5:15 in the afternoon I was driving on Bathurst and Finch. An officer of the law happened to pull me over and give me a ticket for not stopping at a stop sign. I thought it was unfair because I did stop at the stop sign, but the officer replied that "it wasn't a complete stop". Then the officer gave me the ticket for fail to obey stop sign and told me I have fifteen days to either send it to trail, or pay the fine. If I did pay the ticket, I would plead guilty and would have received three demerit points on my license, and I can't have that on my driving record. I arrived to court early and waited on the bench. There were many people, it was a full courtroom. There was a crown attorney and a record keeper, and a few lawyers chatting away on one of the benches. The crown attorney called everyone to her stand to check attendance and address the matters one by one. After waiting in line I approached her and told her my name. She told me I am charged with failure to obey stop sign under section 136 of the Highway Traffic Act. "Is this correct?" She asked. I told her that's not the case, because I did come to a complete stop, the offices just thought otherwise. Then she asked me to please be seated. After everyone in the courtroom checked in and sat down, the judge presiding entered the courtroom. "All rise! The honorable judge __ presiding." Then the judge told everyone to please be seated. The crown attorney called each case one by one. Each defendant had to come up to the stand, state their name in the microphone for the record and plead guilty or not guilty. Some had lawyers representing them. Most of them had speeding tickets, and some had more serious tickets like reckless driving. Finally my name was called and I went up to the stand, stated my name, and the crown attorney states the case; "State your name for the record. Your worship (judge) the defendant is charged under section 136 failure to obey stop sign, on April 27th, at 17:15. The officer in question is not present, motion to dismiss the charge your worship." The judge replies; "Case dismissed, you're free to go young man." I thanked his worship (the judge) and left the courtroom

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