Cleaning up the Neighborhood
By: July • Essay • 280 Words • November 13, 2009 • 983 Views
Essay title: Cleaning up the Neighborhood
We have lived at this address for the past year and a half and at this point we are simply fed up with the prostitutes and crack dealers walking up and down the street on a daily basis. Not to mention the amount of traffic
they bring into the neighborhood and the people who do not obey the stop signs or speeding limits.
They are constantly in the middle of the street which makes it very difficult to pass by. We are
scared for our lives because now and then we hear gunshots, which at first we thought were fireworks.
At first, if we saw someone selling or using drugs on our corner we would call the police. Now we
don't even bother calling when we hear gunshots. The police take too long to respond and usually
by the time they arrive there is nothing going on. My husband's work truck has been broken into
twice. This past sunday someone broke into our personal truck.