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Communication Skills

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Essay title: Communication Skills

On the basis of your observation discuss, with reference to communication theories, the degree to which the people involved demonstrated effective communication skills. Compare and contrast also the usefulness of the selected theories for analysing the event.

�’I couldn’t help it’

Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job.

Smith And he doesn't like that ?

Daryl No, he doesn't. He thinks that I am too tired to work.

Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him.

Daryl You told him ? Why ?

Smith I couldn't help it. He asked me point-blank.


Every single one has its ability to communicate with one another, communication skills shows how well can one communicate with each others, in this essay, we will show how the communication can be processed from simple communications and how important is this communication goes so far from different perspective.

Communication can be defined in several ways, the dictionary definition of communication is, a process that allows organisms to exchange information by several methods. Communication requires that all parties understand a common language that is exchange. There are auditory means, such as speaking or singing, and nonverbal, physical means, such as body language, sign language, paralanguage, touch, eye contact, or the use of writing. From this definition, one can tell that every single expression that tries to give information to another is a form of communication. The process of communication requires a vast repertoire of skills in intrapersonal and interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analysing, and evaluating. Use of these processes is developmental and transfers to all areas of life: home, school, community, work and beyond. It is through communication that collaboration and cooperation occur. (communication. Office of superintendent of Public instruction. Retrieved on March 14.) Communication is the articulation of sending a message, through different media whether it be verbal or nonverbal, as long as a being transmits a though provoking idea, gesture, action, etc. (media. Online Etymology dictionary. Retrieved on March 14, 2008)

Communication is central to all of these worlds (that we build together), not in the sense of control, which positivist ontology naturally favors, but in the sense of dialoguing an ongoing process that respects the autonomy of different reality constructions, enables each participant to interrogate his or her history and grow beyond it. Dialogue probably is the most noble form of human interaction, and communication scholars should be the first to appreciate its outstanding human qualities. (Krippendorff, 1989, p. 94)

Communication scholars have intensified their interest in theories of dialogue during the past 20 years, finding and creating applications in interpersonal, organizational, intercultural, rhetorical, media, community, and performance settings (see, e.g., the earlier collections of essays we edited on the theory and practice of dialogue—Anderson, Baxter, & Cissna, 2004; Anderson, Cissna, & Arnett, 1994; Cissna, 2000).

From the first conversation, we can assume that Daryl expressed his feeling through the conversation, he used decent words to express his sad, disappointed and angry mood, with questionable feeling that if someone would not have told his boss about his part-time job, he would have kept the job, his friend Smith, who was the one told their boss that Daryl has a part-time, tried to test his friend’s mood about the event, with regret but irresistible to his boss. This conversation is short but simply showed both mood and feeling about the event, although we cannot draw the real picture of the event, we can assumed that Daryl was upset and Smith was regret from their communication skills. The communication concept definitely shows clearly in this conversation in which Daryl and Smith communicate with each other using vocal communication and face expressing.

The second evidence that raised my attention was that people not only use verbal communication but also many other ways to express their thoughts or feelings. For example, eye contact between people can always tell they are in good mood or bad mood. Moreover, by people’s gesture, language, body posture, or even clothing, these can simply be non-verbal communication that tells stories of one; while some tests suggest that more than half pf what we say to others

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