By: Victor • Study Guide • 602 Words • November 15, 2009 • 948 Views
Essay title: Computers
Vocabulary 1:
1. Strophe: Part of the ode that the chorus chants as it moves from right to left across the stage.
2. Parados: First ode, or choral song, in a Greek tragedy, chanted by the chorus as it enters the area in front of the stage.
3. Antistrophe: Part of the ode chanted as the chorus moves back across the stage from left to right.
4. Foils: Characters who have contrasting or opposite qualities.
5. Verbal Irony: What is said is the opposite of what is meant.
6. Anarchists: People opposed to any kind of law or organized form of government.
7. Ode: Each scene is followed by an ode. These odes served both to separate one scene from the next, since there were no curtains, and also to provide the chorus’s response to the preceding scene.
8. Allusion: An indirect reference.
Vocabulary 2:
1. Comprehensive: Including all of the relevant details.
2. Insolence: Bold disrespect.
3. Lithe: Flexible and graceful.
4. Repulse: Driving back; repelling.
5. Sated: Filled; satisfied.
6. Senile: Mentally impaired. Senile is often used to describe the mental deterioration that may accompany old age.
7. Sententiously: In a trite and moralizing way.
8. Swagger: Bold, arrogant strut.
9. Transcends: Goes beyond the limits of.
10. Waver: Show doubt or uncertainty about what to do.
Match each word with its nearest antonym:
A: Respect: Insolence
B: Falls Short Of: Transcends
C: Mentally alert: Senile
D: Directly: Indirect; Clearly: Invisible
E: Partial: Comprehensive
F: Awkward: Lithe
G: Pulling Toward: Repulse
H: Act Decisively: Sententiously
I: Unsatisfied: Sated
J: Falter: Swagger
Page: 715:
1. Repulse: repulse v., n.
· Root: Repulsus (Latin) from repellere, “to drive back” (re=back and pellere=to drive)
· Related Word: Repulsion, Repulsive, and Repellent
· Sentence: Polyneices’ attack was repulsed. The repulse of the invaders cheered Creon.
2. Sated: sated v.
· Root: Satiare (Latin) from satiate, “ to fill full” (satisfy or to fill full)
· Related Word: Full, Satisfied, and Stuffed
· I sated the can with water. His jaws were sated with blood.
3. Swagger: swagger v., n.
· Root: Swag (Norw) from svagga, “to sway from side to side” (swagger=sway)
· Related Word: Showing off, Bluster, and Strut
· The villain came on stage with a swagger. The boys on the winning team swaggered into the locker room.
4. Comprehensive: comprehensive adj., n.
· Root: comprehensives (Latin) from comprehensive, “partial” (comprehensives=partial)
· Related Word: Complete, full, and broad
· The English Test was very comprehensive.
5. Senile: senile adj.
· Root: senile (Latin) from senilis, “mentally impaired” (senilis=mentally impaired)
· Related Word: Memory loss, mental impaired, and confusion.
· Is it your senile opinion that