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Corporal Punishment

By:   •  Essay  •  401 Words  •  November 10, 2009  •  2,058 Views

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Essay title: Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment is defined; A form of physical discipline that is intended to cause pain and fear and in which a student is spanked, paddled or hit on any part of the body. The dictionary gives different meanings on corporal punishment but they basically all have the same understanding, the infliction of pain. Over one hundred countries have now banned corporal punishment along with 28 states in America but states like Kentucky and Utah still practice the ritual. Many people ask if corporal punishment is still necessary today and different people have different views. Main concerns are long term effects and the possibility of the child being abused or the person or parents inflicting the punishment being overly aggressive.

I consider corporal punishment a social problem. Those who oppose spanking find it’s dangerous and ineffective. Those who support spanking typically find that it’s safe and effective. Both sides have good views on the matter. Both have there own opinions and evidence to back up their logic. But no matter what they will never agree to one side either, out of hardheadedness or out of experience on the matter. The conservatives will agree and the liberals will disagree I guess that’s the nature of the beast. That’s why I see it as a social problem both sides have there own views. The people who disagree have 10 year, 20 year, and even 60 year studies to show that punishing

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