Cosmetic Brands
By: Max • Essay • 497 Words • November 21, 2009 • 1,311 Views
Essay title: Cosmetic Brands
Diverse cultures and backgrounds lead to people having different perceptions and understandings about a product. Advertising is thus an art to communicate, the qualities of a product and its use to the people in their percieved language.
And in doing so, advertising definetely will tells us a lot about a country. People tend to place a lot of significance on details like color, packaging style, special symbols, celebrities who model for the product, relgious and traditional sentiments. These factors definetly make the advertising of the same prodcut different in each country. Color plays an important role in choosing a product, Red represents passion, excitement,danger and power, most communist countries love this color,but a few countries consider this sinister and it is the color of mourning in the orient. Green is a favourite color for the muslims, but often green tends to represent fresh and vegetarianism, which would’nt go well with all products. White is considered a depressive color,and a color of mourning in India, but in China White represents happiness. Hence while advertising color plays an important role, if a red colored product is advertised in a islamic country, it may be rejected but could have surprisign response in a red loving country. Pepsi wisely invested several dollars in research and found out that blue was a universally accepted color and immediately changed its brand color to blue from red , thus saving millions of dollars on advertising.
Celebrities and stars often carry a lot of weightage on an individual’s decision about buying something.They symbolise their fantasy and dentify with them. If there favourite star, sportsman or model is promoting a product, they would buy it irrespective of its utility and need. Revlon is a leading cosmetic brand world wide,