By: Top • Essay • 343 Words • December 13, 2009 • 1,033 Views
Essay title: Courage
Courage. Sounds kind of neat, doesn't it? Webster's New Collegiate Unabridged Dictionary defines courage... but that doesn't matter. To me, courage is having the power to stand up to something you fear, when you know you have to do it. Trying to make yourself a better person against all odds could be considered courage. Courage could be doing what is right for the group even when you are scared. Anyway you define courge, one thing remains the same: it is inside all of us.In the timeless classic To Kill a Mockingbird , Mrs. Dubose is an old, mean lady who apears not to like anything in life anymore. Upon further reading, we find that she is a morphine addict. Now, this alone doesn't make her courageous. Far from it - it makes her a junkie! But she knows that she has a problem. That is the first step in any twelve-step program, and it is the first thing needed for true courage, also. When she decides to break her habit slowly and surely, day by day, before she dies, that begins to show courage. When she proceeds with this plan, and successfully completes it with the help of a twelve year old boy, she fits my definition of