By: Top • Research Paper • 291 Words • December 16, 2009 • 1,318 Views
Essay title: Crm
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exploiting data for customer retention strategies’,
IIR’s Thirteenth Annual Conference on Telecoms
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7 Coyles, S. and Gokey, C. (2002) �Customer
retention is not enough’, The McKinsey Quarterly,
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8 Kolko, J. (2003) �How to stop broadband churn
before it starts’, Forrester,
9 Fayyad, M. U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., Smyth, P.
and Uthurusamy, R. (1996) �Advances in
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining’, MIT
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10 English, L. P. (1999) �Improving data warehouse
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11 Storbacka, K. (1995) �The nature of customer
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— When a campaign is developed, the
purpose (retention, win back,
cross-/up-selling) and the competitive
environment have to be identified.
— In the calculation of the financial
impact of a campaign, only those
turnovers and costs/contribution
margins which are directly influenced
by the decision to launch a campaign
or not should be considered.
— The important assumptions
(propensity to