Decleration of Independence for High School Students
By: Anna • Essay • 835 Words • November 11, 2009 • 1,490 Views
Essay title: Decleration of Independence for High School Students
I have constructed new rules that I wish to be put im place. I hereby state the following as new rules regarding high school students & students attending Livingston High School in Livingston, New Jersey:
No more standardized tests. SAT's, Stanfords, GEPA's, HSPA's and any other standardized test no longer will exist. They are in no way a source of seeing how much a student has accomplished and learned throughout education. It only measures how well a student can take a test, sit still for long numbers of hours, and how well they focus. Any & all standardized tests are to be banned.
Any student attending Livingston High School as the privilege of going out to lunch. This privilege should not only be given to seniors. Any high school student can go out to lunch as they please. It should be an opportunity for the grades to feel equal and less like the seniors over-ride the school.
The driving system in New Jersey needs to be changed. High School students reaching the age of 15 should receive their permit on their 15th birthday and be given their license after passing a driving test at the age of 16. 17 is way too late for students to be getting their license.
The rule that restricts the number of people a teenager can have in their car is to be banned. The number of people in car should reflect how many seats are available in the car, not the drivers age and restrictions of that age. There will be no more restrictions for any driver under the age of 17.
I have constructed new rules that I wish to be put im place. I hereby state the following as new rules regarding high school students & students attending Livingston High School in Livingston, New Jersey:
No more standardized tests. SAT's, Stanfords, GEPA's, HSPA's and any other standardized test no longer will exist. They are in no way a source of seeing how much a student has accomplished and learned throughout education. It only measures how well a student can take a test, sit still for long numbers of hours, and how well they focus. Any & all standardized tests are to be banned.
Any student attending Livingston High School as the privilege of going out to lunch. This privilege should not only be given to seniors. Any high school student can go out to lunch as they please. It should be an opportunity for the grades to feel equal and less like the seniors over-ride the school.
The driving system in New Jersey needs to be changed. High School students reaching the age of 15 should receive their permit on their 15th birthday and be given their license after passing a driving test at the age of 16. 17 is way too late for students to be getting their license.
The rule