By: July • Essay • 326 Words • December 5, 2009 • 842 Views
Essay title: Diagnosis
Diagnosis and test results: Moderate Expressive and Receptive Language Delay. The Preschool Language Scale Fourth Edition was administered on 03-21-2005 and 03-23-2005 to assess the clients Auditory Comprehension and Expressive Communication. The results from the test yielded the following conclusions: The client obtained an Auditory comprehension raw score of 25 which translated to a standard score of 81, with a SS confidence Interval at 90% level of 73 to 89, a percentile ranking of 10, confidence intervals for percentile and standard score values of 4 to 22, and an age equivalency of 1-9. The client obtained an Expressive Communication raw score of 22 which translated to a standard score of 71, with a standard score confidence interval at 90% level of 64 to 78, a percentile ranking of 3, confidence intervals for percentile ranking and standard scores of 1 to 7, and an age equivalency of 1-4. The clients total language score was combined to evaluated the clients combined auditory comprehension and expressive communication standard scores yielded a total score of 152 which translated to a standard score of 74, with a standard score confidence interval at 90% level of 67 to 81, a percentile ranking of 4, and confidence intervals and percentile ranking for standard scores 1 to 10, and an age equivalency of 1-6.
Long term goals: The client will demonstrate