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Does God Exists?

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Essay title: Does God Exists?

Does God Exists?

Does God really exist? I believe that god exists because in our everyday experience, just about everything seems to have a beginning. We weren’t just put on this earth without a cause. God has to exist in order for us to be on this earth as beings. Christians claim that the God of the bible created the entire universe, but some people still ask the question how did God get here. It’s a question that philosophers have pondered on for centuries and they will continue to ponder because there is no proof proving where God came from. The bible states that everything has a beginning and an end, making everything have a purpose in this world. The bible also states that in many places that God is outside of time. Therefore that would make God infinite because he has no beginning or no end. God also knows all beings and things making him have infinite intelligence. Some people ask the question how can you recognize the evidence for an intelligent creator. A creator has tests and trials to help make the decisions that are necessary for the trial to be a successful trial. By definition, an infinite, eternal being has always existed meaning that no one created God. He is the Great existing one and the great “ I am” of the bible. He is outside of time and the creator of time, which means that by faith you have to believe that God is the creator of all things. By definition God is the uncreated creator of the universe making him above all things and beings. To say that there is no God is to say you have enough knowledge to know that there is no God. God exists in everything we do whether it is positive or negative because as the creator he is everywhere. God comes in three different states or beings. God put everyone on this earth to fulfill his or her purpose on this earth. God is the almighty one who decides the well being of this world and the outcome of this world. The bible states that God is the all-merciful one who forgives us for our sins, so that we can have a better life while in these temporary bodies. In my opinion God has to exist because there is no other way for us as beings to get here on earth without they’re being a beginning. How else can we explain the way the ocean knows how to stop at a certain point or our bodies know how to do with certain things that we digest. No one can explain that but God and that is a question I plan to ask

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