Dont Look Behinf You
By: Edward • Essay • 374 Words • December 20, 2009 • 738 Views
Essay title: Dont Look Behinf You
April Corrigan lives in Norwood with her parents, a brother with two different color eyes, and her grandma Lorelei. April has a boyfriend named Steve. Her dad is working in Washington on a drug deal. A hit man was hired to shoot her dad but he missed. April and her family had to stay in a hotel for safety just in case they were danger, too.
April was motivated to write a letter to her boyfriend Steve. April could not get in contact with anyone. She couldn't stand not to be able to talk to her boyfriend. She wanted to tell him that she was alright. She couldn't call him because it will be on the hotel bill and she would have gotten caught. So April wrote a letter on the hotel's note pad with the least information possible. Since she wasn't aloud to go out of room she took the stamps and envelopes from her brag that she left from her last sleep over.
April was also motivated to tell her friend some of the truth about what’s going on in her life. When her family first moved to Florida under the witness protection program they went to Disney World. While waiting for her brother to get off the ride she