Down with the Kings
By: Stenly • Essay • 612 Words • November 11, 2009 • 972 Views
Essay title: Down with the Kings
When someone commits a crime, they are punished for their sin. If someone says, “go rob that store,” the man robbing the store is persecuted, not usually the instigator. Everyone, regardless of status or wealth is responsible for his actions. No one can whip out a remote control and make them do anything they want them to do. Men can be manipulated, but he is still under his own control. No one can make his decision as to whether or not he is going to be obedient to his manipulator. In the play Macbeth, Macbeth himself is most responsible because each man is responsible for his own actions and the results of those actions.
There are many parts of the play Macbeth that show Macbeth taking charge and having full responsibility of his deeds. Regardless of how much Lady Macbeth seems to push Macbeth, it is in Macbeth’s disposition to take charge and be independent as is shown in this proclamation announced by Macbeth himself, “Bring me no more reports. Let them fly all! Till Birnam Wood remove to Dunsinane, I cannot taint with fear.” (V.iii.1-3) Macbeth is mot told to ignore all of his military responsibilities by anyone. Lady Macbeth is barely alive at this time therefore there is no way that she could have influenced this decision made solely by Macbeth. Macbeth is completely confident in himself and does not think that anything can keep him from keeping his position on the throne.
Macbeth’s greed and the fact that he is incredibly headstrong are also factors of his demise. Macbeth demonstrates this by saying:
We will proceed no further in this business.
He hath honored me of late, and I have bought
Golden opinions from all sorts of people,
Which would be worn now in their newest gloss,
Not cast aside soon. (I.vii.35-40)
Macbeth sees his compliments as actual features of himself that will live with him forever and not just once in a while characteristics being cast off