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Dream of the Rood

By:   •  Essay  •  251 Words  •  December 12, 2009  •  1,191 Views

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Essay title: Dream of the Rood

In "The Dream of the Rood" the dreamer discusses his spiritual beliefs. He discusses how the tree says it felt as the instrument of crucifixion, and that by being the cross that held Christ, the symbolism of the cross was forever changed to that of hope. The dreamer's reverence for the symbolism of the cross is dramatically accentuated by the adornment of the cross in the dream; though my interest in this poem is more about the dream. In the time this poem was written monastic life was common. A life devoted completely to God was as acceptable as becoming a doctor or lawyer today. With Christianity and faith being so accepted, why did the author choose the hide his spirituality behind the ruse of a dream? Could it be that no matter how acceptable religion is, we as humans hold our spiritually

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