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Drug Testing

By:   •  Essay  •  295 Words  •  December 7, 2009  •  1,263 Views

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Essay title: Drug Testing

The use of drug testing by companies to screen applicants and employees is not an invasion of privacy and a necessary practice to ensure a safe working environment. Removal of drugs from the workplace is more important than an employee’s right to privacy. Once the employee accepts the position in a company the company has the right to test for drugs to guarantee the safety of other workers, and potential consumers. The company must also use drug testing to prevent lawsuit possibilities from the employee using who has been injured on the job, from co-workers who were hurt by the drug user, or the consumer who was inadvertently harmed because of impairment of drug use. Since drug use affects judgment, reaction time, coordination, and other areas vital to doing your job then nothing pertaining to your job performance should be private when considering the greater good of the company and its consumers. Any activity that could be harmful to yourself or others should be closely monitored by the company. The implementation of polygraphs, however, should be avoided

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