By: Kevin • Essay • 512 Words • November 12, 2009 • 1,205 Views
Essay title: Essay
If a woman is infertile, it means she cannot have children by the natural process.
If a man is infertile, it means his sperm isn’t strong enough to fertilise a womens eggs.
In the United Kingdom(UK), 12.5% of couples have problems conceiving a child. This brings quite a lot of emotional stress and may put a strain on the marriage or relationship of the couple. Some couples may be able to accept that this is just gods choice for them. Other couples may not give up because they are desperate for a child.
Why do some couples have problems conceiving?
We live in a very stressful society where there are high expectations to conform and be successful. Dieting can also cause problems with conceiving as you can be overweight, or underweight.
What treatments are available to help infertile couples?
There are 6 treatments available for infertile couples.
3 of these are:
Catholic Christians have strong views on infertility treatments.
Catholics believe all life is sacred. God gave you this life for you to be who you are. You should respect and protect this opportunity. Life begins at the moment of conception, IVF leads to spare embryos there for Catholics are against this. These spare embryos are used for medical use or even thrown away. Embryos are life and there for should also have rights. Catholics argue to the fact God created you for the way he wants you to be. Children should be created through love not using test tubes.
Other Christians worry some aspects of fertility treatment. On the whole it is good, They think this because its bringing new life into Gods world. It helps give couples happiness to