Evacuation Q 2
By: Vika • Essay • 655 Words • November 9, 2009 • 885 Views
Essay title: Evacuation Q 2
Source G can be reliable to an extent regarding the evacuees of the second world war. For example to start off on the positives of the source; it is written by somebody who was present herself as an evacuee at the time and so would have had her own experience and knowledge from the time and using it as a fact supported by fiction.
Moreover, the source is a 'novel'. Being a novel does not make it entirely fictional because most novels are supported by facts and actual events but at times modified to make the story sound more interesting by combining fact and fiction. In the case of source G, it might be a fictional environment based on a factual outline which makes the source more reliable, it makes it more reliable because the author Nina Bowden has used the actual facts of the time and entered them in to an actual situation. To support my reason of why this source can be a great deal reliable, I am going to take out a quote from the text which is: "Oh, I'm sorry, how silly of me, why should you have slippers? Never mind as long as you're careful and keep to the middle of the stair carpet where it's covered with a cloth. Her Brother Nick whispered, 'She thinks we're poor children, too poor to have slippers." This quote is really interesting regarding the reliability of the source because it contains of sentences which would reflect upon how some people would think and behave during the evacuations. For example the lady who is receiving the children and who is afraid of getting dirt on her floor can be a really good example of many actual adults who took care of the children from the towns. Moreover, it is a good example because many adults in the countryside who were granted with an evacuee had a certain image of the children they were going to allow into their homes even before they arrived at the threshold of their homes. In this case the lady obviously had a based a conclusion upon the town folk as often being poor and dirty. And the response which the brother of the little girl makes at this is also rather interesting because it shows how some children at the evacuations would have taken