Exit Anti-Semitism. Enter Anti-Islam?
By: Monika • Essay • 379 Words • November 23, 2009 • 1,119 Views
Essay title: Exit Anti-Semitism. Enter Anti-Islam?
Exit anti-Semitism. Enter anti-Islam?
This global issue concerning the editorial cartoons has made think really hard about one question, what were those illustrators thinking? Especially now, when many parts of the world have been experiencing terrorist activity and the growing notion of anti-Islam quietly being placed in the center of attention. Why would these people publish such hurtful drawings? According to my knowledge, Islam is the fastest growing religion to date. Its not a coincidence that many countries populated mostly by Muslims will reactive negatively with these drawings. Therefore to answer the second question, “Am I surprised about the current situation?” No, not at all. If I had known prior to the demonstrations that these cartoons were actually published, I would have forecasted that not just a couple of people would be offended but instead entire nations. When a person is offended or humiliated, and it is reported in the media only a certain amount of people will be angered, however, when a Religious figure such as Prophet Muhammad is depicted in a satirical manner, you are not angering a hundred people but pissing off millions. These cartoons can be almost be compared to the propaganda posters of World War Two, which alienated people of Jewish faith. By allowing