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By:   •  Essay  •  668 Words  •  December 13, 2009  •  919 Views

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Essay title: Failure

Failing is not an option!

Recently what came through the minds of teachers is; should they fail more often? Well if the want to see their student one more year then yes! Just kidding... No I don't think so. Rather they should come up with a better system. In high school they have systems, and the kids have to fit the system. Instead they should make the system fit the kids! Failing a kid is the worst thing you could do to your student. It's almost like saying your a failure! Oh wait it is. No one wants to be a failure, some kids might ask for it, but some kids try really hard.

Senior year is supposed to be your most memorable year in high school. You walk the line with the kids you grew up with, the kids you share your childhood memories with. Its imbarassing to return for another year. Imagine going to school when all your friends graduated. All the "under classmen" Are no longer under you. Imagine the new seniors asking "hey didn't you graduate last year? What are you doing here?". All of them talking behind your back, saying your dumb, and lazy. You fucked up! Your nineteen and in high school. Will you walk the line with your new class? The answer is hell no!! You know how imbarassing that is.And thats just embarassment from friends.

How do you explain to your family you failed? How do you say sorry I disappointed you? I put shame on you. How do you explain to the relatives who traveled all the way accross the country to see you walk the line, you've failed? The relatives who spent hard earned dollars to come see you. I can see failing a kid for not even trying, but a kid who was trying there hardest? Like my friend Matt, he failed by half a credit. Half a credit short, and he never walked the line, and never will. He said "The pain of watching all my friends walk, and explaining to my family, was the hardest thing he ever had to do!"

In the article Is High School Failing Our Kids? By Linda Starr. A mother talks about her son's situation in a high school system that did not do its job in teaching and motovating the children.

"My son graduated from high school (just barely!)

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