By: Mike • Essay • 1,050 Words • December 13, 2009 • 2,565 Views
Essay title: Fences
In Fences, by August Wilson, a father’s struggle to maintain a prosperous relationship with his family and friends is influenced by the conflicts and hardships that he has endured throughout his life. Troy Maxson, the protagonist of the play, changes from a responsible character who is loyal to his family and friends, to a character that makes wrong decisions, which eventually lead to the break up between he and those who love him. The numerous obstacles Troy has faced in his life have shown to have a psychological impact on the way he carries out some of his unjust decisions. Events that have motivated his actions throughout the play are his difficult childhood, unfulfilled baseball career, as well as a life of crime followed by time spent in jail.
Troy Maxson’s relationship with his best friend, Bono, serves as one of Troy’s stronger relationships in his life. In the beginning of the play, Bono has a conversation with Troy concerning his loyalty to his marriage with his wife, Rose. In this conversation, Bono says to Troy, “I see you be walking up around Alberta’s house. You supposed to be at Taylors’ and you be walking up around there” (Wilson 1917). Further along in their conversation, Troy says, “Legs don’t mean nothing. You don’t do nothing but push them out of the way. But them hips cushion the ride” (Wilson 1918). Looking out for the well being of his friend, Bono tells Troy, “Troy, you ain’t got no sense” (Wilson 1918). Bono’s relentless effort throughout the rest of the play to keep Troy loyal to his wife, Rose, proves not to be enough. Troy’s disloyalty to his wife not only weakens his marriage, but also destroys the strong relationship that he once had with Bono (Breaking Barriers).
The difficult relationship between Troy and his son, Cory, is similarly related to the type of relationship that Troy had with his father when he was growing up. A major conflict between Troy and Cory deals with Cory’s opportunity to play football in college. Because Cory has not kept up his job during football season, Troy goes to the school to tell Cory’s football coach that he does not want his recruiter to come by the house anymore. He also disagrees with his son playing college football because he does not want him to live through the disappointment of not being successful in sports because of his race, as he did with baseball (A review of Fences). Angry with his father, Cory disobeys Troy by reluctantly crossing him over. In response to Cory’s actions, Troy says, “I’m gonna tell you what your mistake was. See…you swung at the ball and you didn’t hit it. That’s strike one. See, you in the batter’s box now. You swung and you missed. That’s strike one. Don’t you strike out!” (Wilson 1942). Troy’s short temper, which his father also had, influences his decision to demand his son to do what he believes is best for his future (Bogumil 35).
Troy’s relationship with his family and friends falls apart soon after he tells Rose that he is going to have a baby with another woman, Alberta. In Troy’s conversation with Rose, Troy tells her, “I’m talking, woman, let me talk. I’m trying to find a way to tell you…I’m gonna be a daddy. I’m gonna be somebody’s daddy” (Wilson 1946). As Rose gets up to leave the house because she is upset, she says to Troy:
“You was my husband. I owed you everything I had. Every part of me I could find to give you. And upstairs in that room…with the darkness falling