By: David • Study Guide • 985 Words • December 18, 2009 • 751 Views
Essay title: Fff
I love you because I can think of no reason not to.
You are my happiness. I could seat in front of my computer for as long as possible and stare at the lifeless screen just to be with you after. I could wake up at the earliest hour in the morning and never complain about it, if it means that we could go home together and laugh and be silly along the way. I could ignore the hurt and the pain that I feel each day trying to find myself in this unkind world, all I need is to keep in mind that you would be by my side.
You complete me. Before I met you, I am just an empty soul, living a clueless and meaningless life. You give me reasons to look forward for each day I live. You bring a smile in my face every time I feel that my world is falling apart. You brighten my day, all you need to do is hold my hand and everything else melts away. You give meaning to everything that I am.
You are my biggest critic. You're the only person to ever tell me that my little attempt at writing is rubbish, and got away with it. You could speak your mind, reckless of how I might feel but surprisingly I would just smile and admire your honesty. At times, you even act as if you're my mom and my dad combined (I'm still a child, remember?), only to make me feel protected and spoiled after a while. How you can endure my endless whine, my insecurities and my uncertainties; and everything that makes me weak never fail to amaze me.
Ironically, you are also my number one fan. You never fail to remind me of your flattering thoughts. And I can do nothing to oppose, because it only gives you more reason to say it over and over again. You could make me believe those, if only I am not the silly pessimist that I am.
You are my star. I admire you. Every time I look at you, I secretly whisper a word of thanks to God for giving me the opportunity to love such a wonderful person. My world seems to be brighter just because you are what you are. You're everything that I ever wanted, everything that I need.
And lastly, I want one you to know one thing: You take my breath away.
I Am NoT gIvEn MuCh AttEnTioN. YoU JuSt PaSs Me By As If YoU Don'T KnOw Me AnD I DoN'T EXiSt...IT HuRtS, BuT StIll I NeVEr SToPpEd LoViNG YoU... yOu KnoW, I ThInk No OnE CoUlD EvEr SuRpAsS ThE LoVe I HaVE FoR YoU... No OnE CoUlD EvER GiVE YoU ThE SaME LoVE ThAt I HaVe GiVeN YoU... I Am AlWaYs WiLlInG To Be HuRT, To FeeL ThE PaIn, EvEn To dIe JuSt To PrOvE HoW MUcH I LOvE YoU!! I Don'T CaRe If PeOpLe CaLl Me cRaZY! I WoN'T EvEr LiStEn To AlL ThE IlL WoRdS ThEy HaVe agAiNST YoU! ThEy DoN'T MaTtEr At AlL! I LOvE YoU AnD I DoN'T ExPECt AnYthInG IN ReTuRn.It huRtS InDeeD! EvERy SeCoNd, EvERy MInUtE......It sEeMS LiKE THErE'S No EnD... I cAn FeEl ThE pAIn EvErYtImE YoU TuRN AwAy FrOm ME... EvryTimE YoU IGNoRe mE... EvErYtImE YoU PuT ME DoWn AnD FiGhT BAck...! YoU HuRt