Fighting Depression Without Drugs
By: Mike • Essay • 731 Words • November 25, 2009 • 918 Views
Essay title: Fighting Depression Without Drugs
Fighting Depression Without Drugs
Depression is a disease that affects nearly 34 million American adults each year (Zoloft). It used to be thought that depression was something people could control, but now it is known that it is a real medical condition. There are many different ways to treat depression. The most common way is through antidepressants, but these medications can have some not-so-pleasant side effects. Depression can be hurtful top friends, family, and the person suffering from it, but there are ways to treat depression without the use of antidepressants.
Depression is believed to have many different causes, although the exact cause is not known. Scientists believe that it could be linked with an imbalance of a chemical in the brain called serotonin. If this imbalance happens, it can affect the way people feel (Zoloft). There are also many ways to fight depression. Rediscovering passion is a good start. To do this, you must express anger in a positive way, enjoy your meals, and do what you loved as a child. Reducing stress is also a way to relieve depression. This could be done by doing what you love to do and make less time for work. There is also what is called the physical, nutritional, and herbal approach. To do this you must practice aroma therapy and yoga.
Anger is one of the most vital expressions of passion, but often is misdirected and confused, causing negative behaviors, such as depression. Depression is commonly understood as "anger turned inward" (Rosenthal). If you learn to express your anger in healthy ways it will put you one step closer to being over depression.
Aside from anger management, another positive way to help fight depression is to enjoy your food. Some scientists believe that by enjoying your meals more certain endorphins are released which reduce stress levels. Being happy with your food and not worrying whether it is bad for you or not, may actually help you become more healthy.
Children are filled with passion and life and are always ready to do new things. They can't wait to jump out of bed in the morning each day. By trying to do the things that you loved to do as a child, you will bring back those memories of what you felt like doing those things. This could ultimately jump start something in your brain making you want to jump out of bed every morning as you once did as a child.
Reducing the amount of stress in life is also a major step in getting over depression. Trying to do what you love to do is definitely a positive step. If you have a job that you absolutely hate but make a lot of money at, it will raise the stress level in your